Asp of Ascension Book Review

Asp of Ascension
Author: B. R. Myers
Series: A Nerfertari Hughes Mystery 1
Genre: Mystery, young adult
Publisher: Fierce Ink Books
ISBN-13: 978-1927746622

Asp of Ascension may be a deadly curse

The cover reminds me of Nancy Drew back when I was a kid, even though it is not the prettiest cover, it does bring back the good times. Let’s be honest, this is not the worst cover that I have ever seen, but I will confess it is the cover and title that did me in.

Unlike Nancy Drew, Nefertari “Terry” Hughes has a confidence issue, she had experienced a devastating accident that killed her mother and left her disabled. Terry was keen to survive high school with her three mantras, but trouble seems to find her quite frequently.

She was put in High School as her father worked in the museum, getting ready for the unveiling of a sarcophagus that her mother died looking for it. Curses surround the artifact, and soon her father was found unconscious. It became obvious that Terry has to find the artifact that had went missing a long time ago. The Asp of Ascension was stolen, but no one seem to know how it got out. The mystery is added with her father’s sudden ailment, and Terry was encouraged to find it.

Together with her friends, will Terry be able to find out what happened to Cleopatra’s asp? And will she survive high school like she was so keen to? For those who love a good history lesson, this one focuses on Cleopatra’s life as a Queen and a woman of power. To make things interesting, this story has some paranormal theme to it, making it more interesting and cementing Terry’s story as a series.


Asp of Ascension is a YA mystery, following a formula that works well throughout the ages Share on X

Asp of Ascension uses Egyptian and Roman history, Nefertari is obviously the correct candidate for the story. She is the daughter of two archaeologists, hence has good background knowledge about the theme. I admire her observation skills, and Terry’s ability to think on her feet.

This is a great series for Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys fan, gosh I cannot remember the last time I read the series!

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