Bayou Born : The Foundling Series Review

Bayou Born : The Foundling Series

Bayou Born
Author: Hailey Edwards
Series: The Foundling Series 1
Genre: Paranormal, mystery, thriller
Buy from: Amazon, BN

Here is a proper look of the cover in case you hate mine

The library is great when you want a good book, but not very great bookstagram or cover picture. I first came across this remarkable series, recommended by Kim from Caffeinated Reviewer, you can read her review here.

The main reason why I borrowed the book, was because I was curious. Her review was like little pieces of yummy chocolate, and I was totally sucked into her masterful trap to read Bayou Born.

Here’s to Good Book Reviews… but first!

Reason 1: Lame Jokes


This is just one of many lame jokes Luce makes through out the book. She does not say them out loud, but it shows that Hailey Edwards has my sense of humour. I did imagine a strong man with muscles holding a hot pink spoon, digging into some frozen yogurt.

Reason 2: Luce and Cole

For some reason, obvious after you finish the book, there is something electrifying between Luce and Cole. Cole’s team of body guards are pretty cool towards Luce and her officers, though the two often has really funny banter.

Luce and I thought that Cole knows more than he let on, but he is keeping that sexy mouth shut. He’s pretty good at shutting her up to, just saying.

Reason 3: Le Mystery

The biggest attraction of all: Mystery. Not only around Luce’s origins, and how special she is. When another girl shows up, similar to her past, Luce starts to question.

What is worse, surrounding the new girl’s appearance, weird things are happening. Can Luce get to the truth before it is too late?


With the second book being out for a while, this series is for people who are looking for some surprise element. Honestly, I was surprised. Bayou Born promised a lot, and it delivered with another promise.

If you liked the lame joke, do give this book a go. It is funny at times, taking some of the scary elements away. It is still a great start to a possibly thrilling series.

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