Book & Mask 2 : The Danish Girl and Cow Mask

Book & Mask 2 : The Danish Girl and Cow Mask
Book and Mask 2

Over the weekend, I had managed to finish the Danish Girl, while doing facial. I love doing facial and reading when I can, especially when Hubby is home and Prince Brat is over at his grandparents. Princess Brat stays with me, mainly because Prince cannot stay home, and will drive anyone crazy if he does not get his daily outing.
This is the original cover of the book, before Hollywood came and changed it:

The original Hardcover

I wanted to read the book before watching Eddie Redmayne’s performance as Einar Wegener/ Lili Elbe. I admit that he is a great actor, he did well in Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, but The Danish Girl is a whole kettle of fish, and I usually read the book to understand the movie better.

The Danish Girl Review

David Ebershoff is a writing teacher and an Editor at Random House, which is why The Danish Girl is a beautifully written piece based loosely on the first transgender woman in history. If you have not read it, I strongly urge you to do so. I fear that Eddie Redmayne can only do so much to portray a person who is torn apart by confusion.

The Danish Girl is well researched, with a lot of main points of her life in the book. He had also artfully ended the book before her death, so that the story ends on a high note. Yes, some may think that it is a fake happy ending, but it is a good one for Lili. The character growth and progression is slow, I felt that the pace could be a little bit faster.


The Danish Girl is a marvelously written book that would touch even the coldest hearts. An almost true story that you will remember Share on X

You cannot make up things from the Danish Girl even if you want to, because it is loosely based on the real Einar Wegener and Lili Elbe. There had been letters, photos and correspondence about the whole real story. Β To read it as fiction, filling in the gaps with my own imagination, is pretty cool.

Read it for Lili, read it for the beautiful words and style.

Watch it for Eddie Redmayne <3

Nourishing Cow Character Mask Review

No it does not look good on me

To pair with my reading, the Cow Mask. It is a nourishing Β mask by the Face Shop. This mask is wet and drippy, but I left it on my face for about an hour. By then, I was half way through The Danish Girl.

This mask says: Moisturizing+Nourishing+Elasticity+Wrinkle Care, but it does not have the ingredients listed so I cannot tell you much about it.

Except that it works pretty well, despite only doing it once. I can feel the moisturizing effect very well, and I will have no doubt about its nourishing qualities. But the last two, might need more than one application to tell. As this Cow mask is a gift from a friend, I only have one.

The listed price on Amazon is $82 for a dozen, which equates to $6.83 per piece before you add postage. It is a little pricey, because I can find good quality ones from Japan for half the price before postage. It is a good and useful novelty gift, but essentially the price may determine if I buy it or not next time.

Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.

8 thoughts on “Book & Mask 2 : The Danish Girl and Cow Mask

  1. You have me wanting to read the Danish Girl. Oh the pic of you in the mask…brilly! I gigglesnorted and you have no idea how much I need that. This would be fun for a girl’s pajama party πŸ™‚

  2. I haven’t actually heard of The Danish Girl before and besides the poor pacing, it sounds like a pretty good read. That mask though, I laughed my ass off and couldn’t type. It’s a bit of false advertising really, it looks nothing like the packet. I honestly can’t stop laughing, you look so pissed off wearing it πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    1. hahah.. it wasn’t funny for me because it was dripping on my chin and neck when I snapped the photo *not impressed*
      Poor pacing forgiven for the characters and setting =D

  3. I haven’t seen the movie of the Danish Girl yet and I ashamedly didn’t even know it was a book!! I kind of want to try both now. πŸ˜€ Eventually. *glares at enormous TBR*

  4. I need to read the Danish Girl. It sounds good. Even if like Cait, I have a TBR that is just too much these days.
    The mask looks uncomfortable with the pieces that need to fit together, Ailyn. Did it feel OK?
    Have a great weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. it would be worth your time if you do, Lexxie
      nah, the mask is awesome and in 1 piece, printed with a face of a smiling cow. that’s why i look so silly

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