Crayola Paint Maker : Prince Brat’s Stupid Buy & Review

Crayola Paint Maker : Prince Brat’s Stupid Buy & Review

Crayola Paint Maker- the money waster

Paint Maker

Here it is, my last regret buy of year 2016. Bought this Crayola Paint Maker for 50% off, which was still around AUD15. It was a treat for Prince Brat, because he never gets toys like these, food is what we usually indulge him. Look at him, he is skinny and needs more food, right?

Prince Brats Review: love it for around a week or so. It was great, but I cannot turn the dial to shake the paint. So mommy has to do it for me, or else I won’t use it.

Mommy’s Review

At first glance, it sounded like a good idea. Let’s teach Prince Brat how colors work: you mix these colors together to make a new color. No mess, that is a plus too. Then reality sets in: this is just a toy, you can call it educational, but it is still a toy.

You get a set of instructions, tiny containers to hold and shake your paint. The construct of this shaker is bad, because everything is plastic here. I was worried that I might break it before I manage to create paint, but we came through in the end.

This thing is also noisy, Princess Brat was fully awake by the third spin, and the paint hasn’t even been mixed The kit comes with 75 strips of prime colors, so it is 25 of red, blue and yellow each, and a base paint . Also included are the color guides, and a lousy way to store these things.

After spending too much time creating paints, I managed to test them out. The colors are good, vibrant and clear. A plus if you are after washable ones. But Crayola paints are usually washable, and good in quality. So no issues with the finished product. If you are spending the normal amount to buy this set, my advice is don’t. You can easily buy crayola paints in the bottles and teach your kids the concept that way.

The noisy shaker only produces small amount of paint, so you will constantly be shaking new ones. Worse, the refills are AUD15 each! It is quite a ripoff in my own opinion. These might market as a useful tool, in reality it is still a plaything. I doubt that your kids will use it often, once the novelty wears off.

I should have gotten Prince Brat a better coloring set, with AUD15, there are a lot of good options out there. It is not a bad product, but it is useless even as a cocktail mixer.

Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.

5 thoughts on “Crayola Paint Maker : Prince Brat’s Stupid Buy & Review

  1. I used to have a Crayola caddy when I was a kid, over 30 years ago now and it’s so sad to see that they’ve even changed those now too and they’re not nearly as durable as they used to be. It sounds like a novelty that parents probably wouldn’t buy the refills for. Has the little prince been nagging to use it again?

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