Double Interest : Book Review

Double Interest
Author: Odeda Yaari
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Genre: drugs, sci-fi, thriller
ISBN-13: 978-1544739588

I have received Double Interest in exchange for a fair review

The synopsis and setting were interesting

It tells of three dreamers, focusing on their own scientific research to make the world a better place. To say dreamers, they are highly qualified scientist who are researching in their own field, trying to make their world a better place. With most innovations/ inventions, there would be a good side and a bad side. The cover, as you guessed, is poppy. The flower is how opium was derived from, and how opioids were made synthetically after the structure. Yup, it is a story about drugs.

Unbeknownst to them, someone is interested in their research, and will stop at nothing to get it. This sounds like a conflict that will draw you in. Hence why I chose this book to review. A lot is promised, it has high stakes and high payouts.

The trouble is, it did not deliver.

Not like the story is bad or boring, but the author somehow failed to invoke something in me. It is quite possible that because I know nobody fell victim to drugs, so I could not have emotionally linked myself to the story. Then again, the author uses more telling than showing, and it felt like a report. By half way I was bored and confused.

Then I got annoyed

It’s 2017, and this story still uses men as scientists, women has some by roles. I am not judging, but to say that a whole team of researchers are male, is telling something. In today’s world, highly unrealistic. Then I have no idea why another plot is set, which confused me even more.

Whatever high hopes I had for the book, it soon dissipated with the appearance of the first female character. In truth, although the story showed promise, everything else fell apart. I chugged along anyway, hoping for maybe a spark of something.

Till the end, I did not find it.


I have no doubts that some people will like the story, but it is just not for me. I couldn’t relate to it, and most of all, cannot understand why the plot and characters behave so.


Implying scientist with high IQ and low EQ is one thing, but to insult that intelligence is another problem this book has. If you are a fan of thrillers and chase, this *might* be for you, but don’t hold your breath.

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