Everless & Evermore
Author: Sara Holland
Genre: teenage, fantasy, myth
Buy: Everless, Evermore
This is the copy for Everless from my library, there are a few different covers available. All covers feature an hourglass, and this one has a girl on the top with a really big house at the bottom. Well, not the best design that I have seen, judging from Amazon. But I guess it tells you something, Everless has something to do with time, a girl and a place… We start with Jules Embers, the narrator and heroine, in a small town. Like all heroine, she’s got issues.
We know that her world, or her country of Sempera, there is magic. The magic allows people to extract time from their blood, and erm…. that’s the currency in Sempera. It can be “useful” because if you want to buy an iPad, you can just… bleed some time out of your blood and buy one. Except it doesn’t work that way, people are starving because of tax, yadda yadda. I should remind you guys that this is a teenage/ younger reader one, let’s not make it complicated.
But to be honest, there are a lot of holes in this book. Any discerning reader might poke even more holes, but I was just there for the ride. To save her father from death, Jules volunteered to work in Everless, against her father’s wishes. The story really starts there, it is the place where it all went south for our heroine. No prizes if you guess why it’s called Everless. The story is more mystery than Jules finding herself, she’s a clumsy girl.
Evermore happens directly after Everless, Jules found out something very important about herself. Now, she embarks on a journey towards self- discovery. Honestly, the holes in this book isn’t any less. Her chemistry with her protector/ love- interest Liam is even more meh, much like her enthusiasm about her life actually. It is not that I do not like Jules, but she is terribly two dimensional, and not really invoking any emotions in me.
The only reason I finished both books, is that it has quite a fascinating plot. Look, not everyday you read a book where friendship becomes a focus point of the story. As Jules tries to dig deeper in to her pass, she realises that she does not have a lot of choice when it comes to fixing her past mistakes. Overall, I think this suits a younger reader better than a teenage reader. I can foresee a lot of eye rolls for both books, and I don’t think that they are going to stay long for the ride.
This book would have a tick of approval for some parents, mainly ones that do not like guys always saving the day. Another good point that this series raise, is that parents do not always know what they are doing, but they do want what’s best for their children. The ending might be quite a revelation, but it fits. Jules might not be the most interesting heroine, or the best one, but she works with what she has, which is another lesson that we all should be learning as well.
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