Exploring Australia: Book Review

Exploring Australia Book Review

I borrowed this book for my upcoming trip to Brisbane, actually I just got back from Brisbane, hence the lack of online activity. This book has a link if you want the online info, mainly because this is not sold elsewhere? You can get alternatives like Frommer’s Guide though

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Why a guide?

Why buy/ borrow a guidebook when you have everything on your finger tips? All you have to do is search, and a lot of travel bloggers will tell you the do’s and don’ts when you are in a place. Common tips are like don’t eat here, skip this place during certain times, things that guide book do not tell you.

Is it for the maps then?
I am sure that some of you are laughing at the thought of holding a paper map, but this is no laughing matter. It still happens, Google Map can still get it wrong. Check out this news about how Google Maps got tourists into a dead end street. Paper maps have more details, mainly because cartographers put effort into making it accurate, as well as using proper government information.

Google maps however, uses humans and AI to accumulate data and hence can be a little inaccurate. In cities, they are reliable because of Internet, but in the Australian outback, you are on your own baby. If you are thinking about travelling in Australia via car, get a paper map, does not have to be brand new, but within five years to avoid any discrepancies.

It is a Guidebook, so it can guide

click to enlarge, to see what is written

That is a photo of Kangaroo Island, if you are a photography buff, that is a place you should go. It is picturesque, and you can actually get photos this beautiful even if you have a lousy camera. The downside, it is not a very popular tourist destination.

To get there, it is only via ferry. Worse is that the waters are so choppy even I get seasick. The journey takes around 45 minutes, even though it is actually not that far, the waves are the problem. Other things to do in that tiny island that you can take a day exploring, not much. Sure you can surf sand dunes, watch penguin come up from the sea and into their special made chalet (I kid you not), and see sea horses. In reality, the island only requires a night or two, unless you have a lot of people to share good memories with.

This book actually has names of tiny towns, and their interesting tidbits. Hence this is why I borrowed the book. Explore Australia does have a lot of information that travel bloggers may not have, because this is a dedicated book on exploring the country.

Unlike Lonely Planet, which aims at tourist destinations, this aims for general public. Be warned, this book is like… an inch thick.

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