Kiko Milano Smart Drops Glow Review

Kiko Milano Smart Drops Glow

I got this Kiko Milano Glowing Booster from a friend. This is made in Italy, and is a illuminating booster for dull skin, with blueberry seed oil and a few other things. The ingredients list is long but I can still see perfume in side it. Other interesting and notable ones include rosemary, crambe oil (it’s top of the list but not boasted?) and vitamin B3 (niacinamide).  Not totally natural with things like squalene and crosspolymers, but somethings are there to stabilise.


At 10mls, the website sells the Smart Drops at USD 10. I can’t find it in Amazon, hence the website is the best bet. Something similar by Clarins would cost AUD 30, but 15ml. The website says fruity fragrance, but I guess I have a different perspective of what that should be. So far, I am also not a fan of the colouring added in the serum. You don’t really have to, right?

What it looks like

It does have the benefit of letting you see how much you have put on the face. It absorbs fairly quickly, with no residue. I guess I am ranting because I am not used to having colouring in serums or creams. This photo is taken after a few days of the booster. It does look radiant and glowly, then i think it does work. For 10ml bottle, I think it will finish quickly, with twice a day and I’m pretty generous with this one. The lightweight solution makes it easy for me to just keep applying. Not good, but if you have oily skin, at least it is not going to make your skin oilier.


Pretty interesting! While I may not be a fan of the colour and the fact that it has perfume pretty high up on the list, it is still a good serum to try. Of course, I am nitpicking because I can. What’s the point of putting things if they are not going to be of any use? Not going back to it, but if I do come across this brand again, I might try something else .

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