Learn to Draw Disney/Pixar Toy Story Collector’s Edition
Learn To Draw Disney: Pixar Toy Story
Author: Walter Foster Jr. Creative Team
Genre: Non- Fiction/ Guide
Buy from: Amazon
If you have a friend or a child who loves Toy Story, this is such a great book to get! First of all, it’s a step by step tutorial on how to get basics of Toy Story’s favorite character down pat. From the sketches to the end product, it is an easy guide to spark some creativity. The pictures are big and this means less crowding per page, but it helps me focus on bits that I am weak in. Something to do with big rough sketches and easy copying.
You still need some drawing basics before attempting this book. I tried to draw Mr. Potatohead, and honestly it looks like I have to draw maybe a dozen more.
But there you have it, even a non- drawing background person like me can actually draw something that looks like Mr. Potatohead. That’s one of the easiest characters in the book to draw, as you may well know. It’s just an example of the fun you can have when you are trying to show off your drawing skills.
Update on Life
I haven’t been posting a lot because it’s winter and it’s too cold to sit in my computer room. Plus I have a tendency to roam around and do nothing productive.
On the happy note, my tropical pandanus amaryllifolius seems to be surviving/ thriving despite the cold winter. I have been taking it out to sun on better days, and it stays indoors most of the time. I am pretty proud of my achievement in this, because this is my first successful attempt in keeping this plant alive for so long.
That being said, it is still a long way to go before this plant has an offspring. I will be immensely proud if I can actually keep it alive that long! For now, it will be great if I can use some for a pandan chicken recipe XD.
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