Manuka Flower Honey Hair Oil Review

Manuka Flower Honey Hair Oil Review
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Palmer’s Manuka Flower Honey Hair Oil

I got this bottle of hair oil for ages! But I have been trying to finish off my L’ Oreal Hair Spray, which was okay but took forever to finish. If you are looking for a good colour protecting and de-tangling spray, I recommend using that. For a few weeks,  I tried using this finishing hair oil. This is a Palmer’s product, hence it contains cocoa and shea butter in liquid form.

Aside from that, it contains the manuka flower honey, and Amla Oil. Amla is Indian gooseberry, a natural plant product that the Indian culture uses for many beauty regimes. I kid you not, if you go to an Indian store, they are a lot of beauty products that contain Amla and/ or Neem.

A little Description

Hate that smell! Forgive me, but the first thought I have when I smell this was: has quite a strong urea smell. No, it does not smell like someone peed on you, but the first note reminds me of the sting when you walk into an unwashed toilet, only subtler. Nevertheless, the smell hasn’t actually lingered long enough for me to notice it. I don’t use much, just a pump is enough for my whole head.

Which is why I like this hair oil, a little bit does a good job. Hair sprays have the issue of spreading and not touching my hair, the oil I have to do some rubbing. So I am a fan of hair oil.

 Before and After

I suppose you can tell which side I have the hair oil on?

The right side (my left) definitely has more shine and sleek look, without looking like I have been drenching it with salad oil, I hope. That is just a pump, and my hands still has a lot of product left. A little goes a long way with the finishing oil. By the way, haven’t actually combed my hair properly, I just brush the oil with my hands, and take this photo.

Didn’t Realise they have the whole range!

Now how cool is this?

Buy From Amazon

Nanowrimo Update

I am almost half way! Writing is a lot easier because I have been consistently writing. Hopefully I win this year, to win the event, you just have to finish the 50,000 word count. Some people in my group: the Adelaide Nano writers, have already reached 180K words, which is a lot! Do I want to write that much? Probably, but I feel that it is not necessary. Just because I can write that many words, does not mean you want to read the same amount.

Quality over quantity right?


Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.

8 thoughts on “Manuka Flower Honey Hair Oil Review

  1. Good luck with the rest of your work in progress Ailyn, you’re killing it!

    It’s such a subtle difference with the oil but looks gorgeous! It gives it a really healthy shine and tames the fluffiness. I have oily roots so it probably wouldn’t agree with my hair type. I like Palmers in general though and use their coconut oil moisturiser after a shower each day, that smells divine!

  2. Yeah, scent is a big deal to me so I have to pay attention to that even if the product is fantastic. Glad you found one you like.
    Congrats on doing so well on NaNo. Wishing you well toward the winning word count, Ailyn!

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