Moisturizing Gel Gloves and Other Fails

Moisturizing Gel Gloves

In Australia, you can see that we spell it “Moisturising” instead of “Moisturizing” but the meaning is the same, it’s one of those annoying differences that we should not have to deal with. Other than that, here is a link to a different brand. This pair of gloves by Revie is made in Australia, using jojoba oil, lavender oil and a few more ingredients to fashion a gel layer into a pair of knitted gloves.

Here is the back of it
I bought it for AUD 9.95 because it was probably a clearance item. The original price was $12.95, but I guess a little discount was what prompted my purchase. The instructions says that you can only wear it for 20 minutes, not over night. Like some ding-bats, I ignored that advice. Though the glove would fall off during sleep, so I guess it was not a night wear kind of thing.

It’s still winter here, so with the heater on the room was dry. By the time you read this, I would have tried it for at least 2 weeks, possibly a month. The glove lasts 30 uses, and you can wash them in between uses. This pair of gloves are thick, mainly due to the polymer (gel) inside. After washing, you might have to turn it inside out for the gel layer to try


Here is an internal peek of the gloves. IMG_20180716_085646490

Do the Gloves Work?

I used it for a few days straight because the packaging says so. Though I was notIMG_20180716_085728599_HDR impressed with the results, I did notice that my hands are less wrinkly before the wrists. How I wish they make longer gloves, or at least extend down so my wrists do not look so funny after use.

It’s like… look at my hands they are 5 years younger, but my wrists would betray them by showing the wrinkles. Bleh. Hydration wise, it is okay. I just liked the convenience of a pair of gloves that does everything when I wear it.


It ain’t bad, just not that great. Good stocking fillers for the people who loves a good pair of pretty hands.  

Other #Fails

So not my color, this is Australis’ Liquid Lips in the color Donut. First of all, it does not look like a color of a good donut, not even with glazing on. Secondly, I am not a fan of products that are made in China. Not about the quality, but the policy of testing on animals is archaic at best. I know we do tests a lot of things on animals, but in this era, make up can be cruelty free.

If you are wondering what we test on animals, is the medications that we take. Ignorance is bliss in this case, though in a few years we might be even have cruelty free meds! Mainly advances of technology has allowed us to create livers in a test tube, now all we need is a few more organs to make a human (joke).

Lancome La Base

This is something that I tried at work, at AUD 70++ per bottle of 25ml, this La Base promises a lot. Reading reviews, there is much to like about the primer. It smooths and perfects skin for a flawless finish. I am not questioning that, because I tried it at work and it did deliver. I guess with the price, i expected long- lasting as well.

It is a gel like formula that glides on like silicone based primer, which I seriously do not like. The oily/ gliding feeling lasted well until I applied foundation…

Teint Idole Ultra 24H in 010, which is not really my shade but hey my shade was not there. I wasn’t lying when I said I was at work. I choose sleeping in over looking pretty, because I can get away with it. With the foundation, the La Base primer has a satin feel.

But without a setting powder or spray, the foundation did not last as long. My face is oily at work, because my work means I keep moving. By the 3rd hour, it was already showing signs of disappearing. Over all, if I have to pay pretty penny for primer and foundation, I would very much like for it to .. not run away.


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