The Raven KingĀ
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Cycle 4
Publisher: Scholastic Press; First Edition edition
Genre: Fantasy, YA
The Epic Ending
The last book of the series, The Raven Cycle series is one that you either love or hate. I have always belonged in the Love Group (one of the reasons is because Paper Fury will burn me alive if I don’t, joke), frankly I love the complicated relationship between Blue and the Aglionby Boys, plus that anticipated kiss. Throughout the series, I learned a lot from Maggie as a writer, her characters are special, her world building is marvelous.
Almost made me look for my own Glendower on a ley line, but I am relatively sure Adelaide doesn’t have that King. May be I can find someone magically, maybe an Aboriginal Spirit whom I can ask. The ending was not my favorite, but it works and ties in well with the series as a whole. The story finally ends, the questions that I had finally had answers. Those who have joined the Blue since days of the Raven Boys will know about the prophesy, and in Raven King, I was dreading it.
What started off as an obsession had turned into a need. In Raven King, Glendower must be found to right some wrongs. The team is still clinging on to the hope that the King would grant a wish. While I knew who would wish for what, with the bigger question of who will find it? My money was on Gansey, because he was the one who had started it all, seemed only fair that he gets to find Glendower.
The characters have grown much, Ronan’s demons no longer haunt him as much, Adam has finally accepted the darker part of himself. As the final book, The Raven King gives a sense of closure, and no promises of return. That is cool, because I get to lay my thoughts to rest.
You have to read The Raven Cycle from the first book: the Raven Boys to fully appreciate the Raven King. I loved every minute when I spent time saying good bye to the characters. Especially Ronan, because he is one whom I could relate to the most. No, I am not a dream thief, but I understand his longing. Overall, a satisfying ending for a great series.
Happy New Year 2017
I had decided to review this book for the start, because I have put it off long enough. This is the year that I will decide if blogging is good for me. My intention is to make blogging work for me, because I am sick of looking for jobs. I lost my job when I had Princess Brat, because the hospital did not renew the contract with my employer. It sucks, but things happen.
If I could make this work via affiliate or sponsors, that would be great. If not, I do not think I can fund this passion of mine any longer, time is really the issue at hand. Basically, my aim is to reach 1000 followers by September, which is when I need to pay my host. Failing my target would be the end of my blogging career, which would be a shame.
New Year Resolution!
Be a successful blogger! If you have any tips for me, comment below.
Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.
cool! I was afraid that Maggie would screw it up by doing a happier ending. Obviously she knows what her characters need
I have book one on audio and really need to dive in! Happy New Year!
you should!! happy new year