Revealed (Oaktown Girls Book 4)

Revealed (Oaktown Girls Book 4)

Revealed (Oaktown Girls Book 4)
Author: Suzanne Falter
Series: Oaktown Girls 4 (Final)
Genre: LGBTQ/ Romance
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Fourth and final book for the Oaktown Girls series, this time the new character is Rosalind and Monroe. The old characters are still here, supporting each other as usual. In Oaktown, it seems like nothing is impossible when you have friends and loved ones.

The Girl in Town

Rosalind Choi was introduced in Destined, Rosalind now juggles between becoming the daughter her parents want her to be, and the person she wants to be. She meets Monroe, who is a non-binary person, and wonders if that is the life she wants.

Meanwhile, Tenika and Delilah try to find a new balance as a married couple. Even after all the problems, you can always find more skeletons in the closet. Like all married people, love does not solve everything. While Kate and Lizzy has tied the knot, the government does not believe that their love is real. I mean, American green card is pretty popular everywhere else in the world. Our final couple is Frankie and Sarah, struggling with problems of their own.


It’s a lot to take in, but it helps if you start from Driven, where Kate and Lizzy meets. Tenika and Delilah were already a couple then, but they have a lot of kinks to iron out. The stories are easier to follow if you read them in order. Each character has a history, though sometimes I wish the bad guys are more fleshed out. Sure, the girls have plenty of personalities and characters, but it can be satisfying to find a wicked witch meeting a gruesome end. Even in Revealed, I feel that the villains are not given enough spotlight to make me cackle and say: “serves you right!”


Yes, I do like the series. It is not perfect, but it is nicely written and have touching moments. The girls make Oaktown a wonderful place to be in, though I do sometimes wish that there’s a real place in the world that resembles Oaktown. But of course, the characters in the book proves that if we are nice and kind to each other, it is not impossible. So, definitely a thumbs up from me.

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