The Last Girl by Michael Adams Review

The Last Girl
Author: Michael Adams
Genre: apocalyptic, YA dystopian
Series: Last Trilogy Series #1
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The Last Girl

I got The Last Girl from the library, mainly because of the cover and synopsis. Danby Armstrong is a sixteen- year old girl with a history of emotional issue, her parents are divorced, and her father remarried. While Danby loves her baby stepbrother, things are not peachy in her home. The story starts on Christmas Day, and she and the other survivors named the incident “The Snap” after it happened. It suddenly happened,  everyone was able to read other people’s thoughts.

What is scary, is that you cannot switch it off. Hence the chaos that ensued formed the basis of the story, and the title of the book: The Last Girl. Obviously that means Danby, another thing about her, is that other people cannot read her thoughts. Perhaps she got lucky, who knows?

The Characters

Danby Armstrong: the girl who is unique. She can read your mind, but you cannot read hers. It comes at an advantage most times, because the book quickly spirals from danger to danger. Dragging her comatose little brother along, Danby tries to find her way to her mother’s safe house 100 kilometres away. She is resourceful, scared and lost. The narrative follows Danby, written by an experienced writer who is able to bring out emotions.

Nathan & Jack – mysterious guys who are not comatose. One seems to have another kind of power, and the other has lofty ideas. They might be real characters, but they do represent different types of human aspirations. Danby is drawn towards them, mainly because they are awake like she is.


While the author is an experienced writer, Danby did not connect with me. Hell, I struggled with the whole story. It is fast paced, with a lot of holes. I have to accept that, because Danby is sixteen, and was on medication for mental issues. She is not exactly an unreliable narrator, but I guess putting her in that kind of stress, no one would be. Things got slow after Danby met the boys: Nathan and Jack, who wants her to be in their camp. The next half of the story sees her sway from thought to thought. But one thing is clear: her brother is the priority in her life right now.

I read it a long time ago…


Princess Brat was barely crawling when I read the book, watching television while I sneaked a few words in. The author is pretty crafty with words, but somehow it fell through between argh this story is bad and this writing is good. I am sure you understand what I am trying to say.

It is just a so- so YA dystopian for a book one. But I never returned for book 2, suffice to say, I was not interested to see Danby’s decision. Enough said.

what if gaining the ability to read minds ended the world? That's what happened in The Last Girl by Michael Adams Share on X

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