The Love Virus
The Love Virus
by Eleni Cay
Genre: YA, Contemporary Romance, Illness
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The Love Virus Vs Katie
While the cover may look boring, but it is the color and the background that deceives. Without reading the synopsis, I would have thought the “virus” is something you find in a computer. Then love gets a bright pink, maybe it’s a sinister one? However, it’s not about computers and tech, but about being person. Katie has just been diagnosed of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and her world is falling apart.
As a young person, Katie wants to explore the world. She’s already enrolled in college before her diagnosis, so her world came crashing down. She breaks up with the fiance Mark, while her best friend tries very hard to see the positive side of things.
Katie is the first person point of view for the book, but we see a lot of Mark her ex- fiance throughout the book. Her psychologist in the hospital involves a very handsome and charismatic Dr. Andrews, diagnosing her with MS2, a variant of MS.
The Love Virus is written in poetry, well… I think? I am not a poem ready usually, I have to do it during high school but strictly speaking I am lousy at it. There’s an angry black rooster that stalkers her, while Katie has to sort through her pain and fear to move on with her life. While the story is well written (not much in terms of metaphors), I am totally clueless when it comes to poetry rules, though it reads smoothly. I blazed through the book in one sitting, and it covers a lot. If you are looking for efficient writing, you should definitely try The Love Virus. No words are wasted, the focus is on Katie and her struggles.
It will be my aim if I ever write fiction. Eleni knows how to draw emotion from the reader, as well as portray Katie’s fears and sadness effectively. I guess that is why Eleni Cay is an award-winning poet, she knows how to make you feel through words alone.
My first poetry- type fiction! It is a masterful stroke, even though I have not (yet) come across similar writing style. I am in awe and definitely encourage everyone to read The Love Virus, the story may sound boring, but the characters are colourful and real.
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