Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts Hop : Samantha Watkins #1 Review

(un)Conventional Bookviews hosts this weekly meme

Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts

This time I found an interesting book that has food in it. It is

Samantha Watkins: Chronicles of an Extraordinary Ordinary Life
Author: Aurélie Venem with translator S.E. Battis
Series: Samantha Watkins Series Book 1
Genre: paranormal, mystery, vampire

A little blurry, so I had to write it down

Everything was delicious. The meat melted in my mouth, the vegetables were perfectly seasoned, the bread was crusty, the cheese soft, and the tart… to die for. I was so absorbed by my meal that I didn’t realize until my second slice of strawberry tart that Velvet Voice was staring at me

For a Thirsty Thursday, I hope that is enough?


I like the premise of the story, a good blend of real life and paranormal. It is as if vampire is real in this world, and Samantha is just caught up in it. The characters are solid, even though some are cliche. The story started like most vampire/ human combo stories, a girl who narrowly escapes death, ends up under the care of a vampire.

Thankfully, nothing romantic in this book yet. Samantha is a character who is apparently socially awkward, while Phoenix the Velvet Voice Vampire is too detached to have a normal relationship. It is interesting to note, that there is an underlying current with Phoenix, I think he has a secret but not really sure. Samantha is like an open book, and a lot of fun to read.

The mystery part is slightly lacking, if you are going after that plot you would be disappointed. Samantha Watkins is more a character based book. This book is perfect for Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts, because it would be fun to show a passage that tells how Phoenix choked on human food. I settled for this one, so it does not giveaway too much.


Samantha Watkins 1 is a thrilling vampire/ human combo story that you will love to sink your teeth into. Share on X

It is well translated, since I read it in English. But if you find it in its original, please tell me if it is any good?

Samantha Watkins: Chronicles of an Extraordinary Ordinary Life is interesting, however the second book has not been translated yet. I hope it does, because Samantha’s life is not going to be ordinary any longer.

Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.

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