Update on my Holiday
Last week, my youngest brother had his traditional Malaysian Chinese wedding ceremony. This is one of the reasons why I have not been posting, but rest assured I am trying to read and post, but time is limited. But here are some photos to hopefully keep you entertained.
Prince Brat was in the bridal entourage, we waited for the bride and groom to arrive. King Brat and I managed to get this cute picture taken with the Princess while she was still fresh and happy. It was a long day, filled with traditional practices such as tea ceremony, moving into the bridal room and hazing of the groom.
The Bridal Room =D . We decorated it a few days before, because we had to do it on a specific/ lucky day. As you can see, red is … everywhere.
The Reception
At night was the reception and dinner, where almost 350 guests dined together. No one was drunk enough to cause any problems. The speeches were heart warming and touching. My favorite quote was from the groomsmen, they said to the bride:
No refunds and returns, no warranty and batteries are not included.
Even though he’s my brother, I still find that statement hilarious. It was indeed a night of fun and food. We had around 8 courses for dinner, with ice cream as the reception/ cocktail food. Oh yeah, we Malaysians love our food alright.
Then Prince Brat Rode a Dragon
One of our star attractions in Malaysia is a place called Genting Highlands, it is on top of a mountain in the state of Pahang. The photo is taken in Snow World, which is an artificial room set at -6C and filled with fake-ish snow. If you are planning to go to Malaysia with kids, I would like to caution you about Genting Highlands. Sure it has good fun theme parks, unfortunately, the outdoor theme park is still in the process of rebuilding.
The indoor theme parks though, are a torture to human ears with high pitched screams and loud noises. People usually visit Genting Highlands for its casino, as it is the only licensed gambling place in the country.
The Food
I have gained so much weight I dread going back to Adelaide… Love the food, hate the calories.
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