River Rising
River Rising
Author: John A. Heldt
Genre: time- travel, family
Series: Carson Chronicles #1
Buy from: Amazon
The Background
So when Adam, Greg, Natalie and youngest twins Cody and Caitlin, found out that their parents have time travelled into the past, they did what all young people do: follow. Wouldn’t you?
How silly are the parents to think that kids are rational, reasonable beings? If I am in Adam’s shoes, I will do the same thing to. Hence the Carson Chronicles starts of with a lot of preparation, and missing parents. If you are wondering why are the parents are selfish/ impulsive/ insert bad parenting adjective here, the oldest kid Adam is 27. Surely they deserve to have a honeymoon. Though I am sure normal parents will pick somewhere nice like Fiji or Hawaii.
But, this will not be a fun story if they go somewhere quaint, it has to be 1880s. They have decided on the gun-slinging, lawless era of 1889 in Johnstown, where Pennsylvania is still growing into its own skin.
The Characters
Adam Carson is the oldest, the main reason five kids embark on this journey. He is the engineer and brains behind this whole caper, a strong and “wise” older brother and temporary parent. Greg is the younger but more adventurous brother, who is in charge of Wild West. Natalie is a journalist with a level head, and she complements Adam in terms of parenting the youngest. Twins are still in high school, but Cody and Caitlin are smart and can be funny to follow.
Their parents are not really around in the book, because they are the target to follow. Other characters help make the story real, but they come in later in the story =d so I’m just going to omit them for now.
My Verdict
2017 kids running around Pennsylvania looking for missing parents in 1889, you read that right! Share on XAs John Heldt usually does trilogies, I am guessing that this will be also. While the story is unique and new, John has not disappointed with the amount of history related conflicts. If you have read the top, and you are a history buff, then you might be able to guess what comes next. I always read his book, because I have no clue about American history. So every info is like an education for me, and I am loving it.
River Rising is good family friendly book, if you want someone to learn about history the fictional way. While the characters are made up, a lot of events in it is not. Hence, if you are looking for a good historical fiction, consider this.
Copyright © 2017 Ailyn Writes. All Rights Reserved.
Ooh, I like time travelling books, reminds me a little of the Claudia Gray series which I really enjoyed. I know very little about American history either Ailyn so I love a book that teaches you as you read. Might grab a copy of this one for a rainy day. Wonderful review and so glad you enjoyed it <3
if you like historical fiction he has done a few more in different times, I think it is educational for me… because i know nothing!
Oh I might enjoy this one. I think the parents would bother me (the motivation) but since they aren’t really in the book, I can deal. LOL
well… it’s not that they left the family on purpose =)
This sounds clever, and I do like time travel, Great review!
it is quite well done, I think you will like it